Book of Shadows Spells

Book of Shadows spells can be anything you wish, because your Book of Shadows is a personal journal to record your own magickal journey. But what about spells for your Book of Shadows, like to bless a new book for example.

Book of Shadows spells
Suggestions for helpful Book of Shadows spells
Elemental BoS Blessing

Use the power of the 4 elements to bless a new Book of Shadows. You’ll need:

  • Blue candle (water)
  • White candle (air)
  • Red candle (fire)
  • Brown or green candle (earth)
  • Your new BoS

All four candles should be the same size/type so they burn out in about the same length of time. Before you start your ritual, get a compass or map, and see which directions are north, south, east and west on your altar or table.

Set up all 4 candles, each one to its proper direction with the book in the middle. It’s not that important which way the book is sitting as long as the 4 candles are in the right corners. Allow a little space between the candles and your book, or you may end up with drips of candle wax on the cover.

Light each candle, and after each one, say the corresponding line:

By the north, bless this book with the power of the Earth
By the south, bless this book with the power of fire
By the west, bless this book with the power of water
By the east, bless this book with the power of air

Leave the book to sit in the candle light until all 4 candles have gone out. Your book is now blessed by the Elements and ready for use.

Written Consecration

Another way to make your new Book of Shadows into a sacred tool is with a written spell that you add to your book. It can go inside the cover or on the first page, but should be somewhere prominent. This should be the first thing written in it. This particular dedication needs to be performed at midnight. Your only supplies are:

  • Your new book
  • Pen
  • White candle

The pen you use should be the highest quality you can find. A fountain pen or calligraphy pen would be ideal but you also want to choose an instrument you can write comfortably with that won’t end up ruining your book.

Just before midnight, turn out the lights and light the candle. Set up your BoS so that you can see by candlelight. Write the following:

Goddess please protect this book
From wondering eyes and prying look,
And fill it with your ancient power
At this nightly witching hour.

Read it out loud as you write. Once written, sit and read it over to yourself a few times, and really make it part of your new book in your heart. Put out the candle, and keep your new BoS in a safe place.