Love Spells

Full Moon Love Spells

Full moon love spells have to be timed more specifically than most other witchcraft spells, though you have about a 4 day window to really capture the full moon’s unique energy. Approximately 2 days before the actual full moon moment, and then 2 days afterwards. Even so, you should try to perform your spell as close to the true full moon as possible.

Full moon love spells
Use the power of the full moon for love spells
Salt of the Earth

Harness that full moon power with this love spell. This is also a potent fire spell so you will need somewhere that you can safely light a fire. Outdoors is best but a fireplace, woodstove or even a cast-iron cauldron would do. Other than that, you will need to have:

  • A handful or two of coarse salt
  • About the same amount in dried red rose petals
  • A place to burn a fire safely

This spell takes 3 nights, starting the night before the official full moon date. Get a small fire going (you can use any type of wood for that). Stand before the fire toss in some salt, and say,

Let his heart burn for me,

Sparked under the light of the moon,

Let his heart burn for me,

Bring him to me soon.

Obviously, change the text from “his” to “her” if needed. Toss in some of the rose petals, and repeat again. Let the flames burn for a few more minutes if you wish or extinguish the fire. Do the same ritual for the next 2 nights. A new love should come into your life before the next full moon.

Venus Love Charm

This is one of those rare full moon love spells that doesn’t focus on red or pink. Try using a little different color energy for this one. The piece of silk can be any color, but purple or white is best (try pink or red for another option). Supplies for this spell:

  • A new silver coin
  • 4 pieces of rose quartz
  • A square piece of silk
  • A purple candle

Set your piece of silk out on your altar, and put the candle in the center in a secure candle holder. Wax may drip on the silk so don’t use anything that is really important or valuable for that. Also on the cloth, set the silver coin on the south side of the candle (use a compass if you have to). Place the 4 pieces of quartz on the corners of the cloth. Needless to say, do this spell on the night of the full moon.

Light the candle and say these words 4 times, touching a crystal each time:

From the 4 corners of the Earth

Bring my true love to me

Envision light going out from the candle and spreading out into the world to connect with your next true love. Try not to picture anyone in particular. Leave the candle burning for the night and then bundle up the crystals and coin in the silk, and leave on your altar.

Other spells you might want to try for love are on the white magic love spells page and there are more love spells that work around the site.

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