
For Halloween Night

I’ve decided that this site needs a section dedicated to the glorious holiday of Halloween.

All about Halloween Night and Samhain
Everything you need to know for Halloween night!

Yes, I know that the true Pagan name for October 31st is Samhain, but the average person (and most search engines) prefer the term Halloween so I’ll be using both names for my pages to make things easier on everyone. Many people don’t really know what is Samhain anyway.

Pages are still being added, so bookmark this index and check back through October to get the latest pages.

Basic Halloween

To start with, you’ll need to know the basics about the day including the true history of Halloween and some of the authentic Halloween traditions. After that, you might want to take another look at some of the typical Halloween animals that we still connect with this holiday, even though many of the reasons are just old myths.

And you can also learn a little more about the silly (or not so silly) Halloween superstitions that we’ve all heard of. You might be surprised to learn the truth.

Samhain Magick

For the more serious Pagan who is looking to really develop a spiritual understanding of the true Samhain Sabbat, I have a more traditional type of Samhain ritual that you can perform on this night, and more Halloween spells are coming up soon. And don’t forget the time-honored practice of doing divination at Samhain as well. Even though not all witches are Wiccan, I’ve included some more specific details on Samhain for Wiccans too.

If you’re planning a Halloween meal, there are some traditional Samhain recipes that you should include.

I did have a few other Samhain and Halloween pages back on the original site but they have gotten outdated and I chose not to move them. I hope to be putting up some new, fresh content soon!

Have a spooky Samhain!
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