Healing Spells

Spells for Health

Spells for health are a magickal way to help your body with it’s own natural healing. A good spell can help you get over an illness, or keep you from getting sick in the first place. No substitute for a doctor’s care, but definitely a good addition to your treatment. Get some health magick in your BOS before winter sets in.

Witchcraft spells for health
Keep You Well Spell

This is a little herbal charm you can use to help ward off illnesses you might pick up from other people (like a cold).

  • A small branch or twig (about 3 inches long)
  • Sprig of dried rosemary
  • Gardenia petals, fresh
  • Mint leaves, fresh
  • Light blue yarn or ribbon
  • Freshly brewed chamomile tea

Bundle up the rosemary, gardenia petals and mint leaves with the twig, and wrap several times with the blue yarn. It should be wrapped enough so that no bits or pieces fall out of the charm.

Then set out a cup of hot tea on your altar surface. Have a sip, and picture a blue sphere around you that protects from illness. Now, dip one end of the exposed twig into the tea, and say the spell:

Herbal tea,
No illness be
Protect me,
Three times three.

Then dip the other end of the charm into the tea, and repeat the words. Set the spell charm aside to dry, then finish drinking the tea.

After that, carry the charm when you go out and are concerned about catching something from other people. You can recharge it with a fresh cup of tea, and repeating the words again.

Heal a Headache

This spell for health is all about those pesky headaches that crop up at the worst time. It won’t be much help for a full-blown migraine but whenever you start to feel that ache creeping into your head, try this spell

  • 3 blue candles
  • Myrrh oil
  • Mint oil
  • Rose oil
  • Silver holders for the candles
  • Something sharp to carve into the candles with
Sowilo, the rune for Heal a Headache spell

Carve the rune Sowilo into each candle (see the image). Rub a drop of myrrh oil into the symbol on one candle, then the other oils on each of the other 2 candles. Set them up in an equal triangle, as best you can without finding a ruler.

Once you have annointed all 3 spell candles, light them. Now, lean over all three flames (not too close!) and feel the warmth up over your face. Concentrate on the healing energy coming from the candles, and moving through your head to heal your aches. Count to 3 9 times (like 1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3…..). Then move your face away, and blow out the candles right away to clear up the headache.

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