Protection Spells

Reverse Spells

Now, reverse spells go a step farther than most breaking spells because they turn the energy of the magick back towards the person who cast it. Ethical issues of trying to “harm none” are usually avoided because you are simply turning their own energy back towards them. Whether or not you consider that still harming another person is up to you.

reverse spells
Reverse spells send the energy right back to the person who cast the spell against you
Reflect Away Harm

Most reverse spells use mirrors to send the energy of the curse back to the person who sent it to you in the first place. You just need:

  • 2 small mirrors, ideally on stands
  • 1 black candle
  • Sandalwood incense

Light the incense and let the smoke build up a bit around your altar area. Carve a deep X into the candle. You now have to set up your two mirrors so they face each other, and place the candle between them. It should look like repeating candles reflected deep within the mirror.

Light the candle, and let your eyes focus back and forth between the mirrors while you concentrate on the negative magick you are trying to reverse. Repeat the words:

The magick upon me
Be trapped this night
Between these mirrors
Never see light

Repeat the chant over and over, and visualize the curse becoming entangled in the reflections. Let the candle burn down on its own, but leave the mirrors facing each other for 1 month.

This spell should be done right at midnight for the most power.

Reversing Vinegar

This spell is a bit aromatic, so its best done in the evening when you’re not going to be going out again immediately after. You need:

  • Pure white vinegar
  • Several pinches of fennel seed
  • A small white bowl
  • A piece of jet or onyx

The day before you plan on doing this spell, pour an ounce or two of vinegar into the bowl and add some fennel seed. Let this sit and “steep” until the next day.

On the next night, dip your fingers in the vinegar and dab a little bit on each wrist, your throat and your forehead. Just a little on the forehead because you don’t want vinegar dripping in your eyes.

Sit with your eyes closed, and visualize white energy pushing out from your body at this points and forcing the negative magick back towards the sender. Force it away from you. When you are done, place the stone in the bowl, and leave it for 5 days. After that, pour the vinegar away into the ground.

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