Protection Spells

Protection Spells

Using magic to protect yourself can be a smart idea, and protection spells come in all kinds of shapes and sizes. There are various ways of protecting yourself with witchcraft, or to remove negative influences from your life.

How you approach it will depend on the situation. And as I will be repeating on other pages, do not rely on magick alone if you are in serious danger. If you are ever truly threatened, stalked or harassed, you should always contact the police before relying on a spell for protection.

witchcraft protection spells
Use a little witchcraft to add a protection spell to your life

To simply get someone out of your life, someone who may just be annoying or bothersome and not any real threat to you, a banishing spell is your easiest option. It causes no harm to the other person, and simply gives them a magickal push away. These are so popular, I’ve added a second page of more banishing spells and then even more powerful banishing spells.

For something a little stronger, you can go with binding spells to prevent them from acting against you.

If the problem is more aggressive, and you think someone has cast a negative spell against you, then you would want to take a different approach. You can either try a curse breaking spell to counter-act any hex or black magick used against you. Or you can actually reverse the spell and send the negative energy right back to the person who sent it.

Now, these are all examples of using protection spells against someone in particular. You can always do more general protection spells even when there is nothing specifically threatening going on. Or try a Wiccan protection spell.

Or if you prefer to add protection to your home rather than to your personal self, try some new home protection spells for a safe living space.

These are good to help keep you safe as well as to clean your environment of incoming negative energy. You can also try a milder cleansing spell or a personal purification spell for that.

Remember that just because a few unfortunate things may have happened to you recently, it doesn’t mean you’ve been cursed or hexed. Bad luck still exists, so don’t go casting spells all over the place just because you stubbed your toe or lost your car keys.

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